Pillar 3: Analysis/Improvement

Your inbound marketing program should never be set in stone. Rather, it should be subjected to consistent analysis, from which ongoing improvements are made to every activity.

Just as there are numberless working parts in an inbound marketing program, there are numberless opportunities for improvement. Whether that may be a 3% increase in conversions on your TOFU landing pages, or a greater click-through-rate on your email newsletters - every marketing activity you implement should be put under the microscope and iterated for success.

However, this kind of constant analysis and improvement requires a suite of tools, an effective testing framework, and the agility to act on findings into the future.

Testing Technologies

The HubSpot platform consolidates a number of powerful analytics tools, from keyword performance to A/B testing, general web analytics and individual blog optimisation. These alone will provide enough data to begin your analysis and improvement.

Testing Framework

The availability of data isn’t the challenge in analysis and improvement - it’s knowing what to do with it. An effective testing framework will provide you with much-needed testing direction, and be a centralised location for your results.

For smaller teams, overseeing multiple testing programs can be difficult, resulting in analysis paralysis. If you are only beginning to test and optimise your marketing activities, choose a simple metric like conversion rate on a call-to-action. However, ensure you test just one element of the call-to-action at a time, like colour, size, copy or placement. Changing multiple elements won’t provide you with clear results at the end of the testing period.


Driving Revenue with Growth Driven Design
How can your business use Growth-Driven Design to unlock the true potential of your website?



Surprisingly, the most difficult element of your analysis and improvement can be having the agility to implement your findings. For example, consider a business that has discovered that video content is far outperforming editorial content on their blog in terms of traffic and conversions. Despite these findings, the business is bound to a concrete content calendar that has laid out the remainder of the year’s editorial content. Without the flexibility or resources to alter this to include a greater proportion of video, they proceed knowing that their blog traffic and conversion will suffer.

Agile inbound marketing teams are designed with analysis and improvement at front-of-mind, not as an afterthought. They prioritise ongoing testing and iteration over “big bang” campaigns that leave little room for alteration while in progress. Achieving an agile operating structure in your business requires an overhaul of your systems and processes, which is simply unachievable for a number of in-house teams who are bound by stringent approvals and inefficient collaboration between departments.

In this respect, many businesses are finding that outsourcing their inbound marketing programs to agencies who are designed for agility yields far better performance.


Pillar 4: Maximising Customer Value

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The Five Pillars of Inbound Maketing Success

Years ago, businesses that published regular blog content were applauded for their content marketing prowess.
